Employment Opportunity

Reporting to the Director of Community Development, the Manager of Recreation & Culture is responsible and accountable for leading staff, programs, activities, and facilities required for the Town’s operational commitments for recreation, heritage and culture. This includes programming, services, initiatives, exhibits, museum collections and activities across the various Town facilities specifically including the DesBrisay Museum, the Outdoor Pool and Town parks.

Additionally, this position is responsible for the implementation of the agreement to manage the Wile Carding Mill on behalf of the Province of Nova Scotia. This role is accountable for executing the Town’s commitment to the Municipal Physical Activity Leadership (MPAL) program, including the implementation of the Town’s Physical Activity Strategy (2022), which aims to increase unstructured physical activity and daily movement opportunities for Town residents of all ages and abilities, with a focus on low-active residents and underserved communities.

This position also provides oversight for implementing various recreation and culture policies of Council including, but not limited to, the PROKids and Grants to Organizations Policies and those related to the DesBrisay Museum collection and operations. The Manager may direct and/or lead departmental projects as per the strategic direction of Council.

  • Non-union, permanent, full time (35 hours per week)
  • Location office shall be the DesBrisay Museum or Town Hall
  • Museum is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 1 – 5pm (September – June) and 9am – 5pm (July – August).
  • Town Hall is open to the public 8:30am – 4:30pm.
  • Work outside of regular office hours is required to meet operational demands.
  • Annual Salary – $75,220 – $97,207 


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